Friday, July 3, 2009

Oh Deer

Thursday, Brandi and I decided to do a "day" trip to Cades Cove. She took her poodle, Vinny, with us which kind of slowed us down a little bit, usually it takes 3 - 31/2 hours to get there, this time it took about 4 or so. Vinny did a great job though and I must admit I actually enjoyed the company of a dog. I also misjudged when Sunrise would be so we got there about an hour after sunrise, and with it being the middle of summer, the light is already getting bad my 730 or 8am. We left a little after 330 and got there about 730 or so. I also had not slept at all before leaving and only slept a few minutes during the course of the day. I joked with Brandi and my family, telling them that I slept for 5 minutes when we stopped in Cades Cove, 5 minutes near Gatlinburg, and another 2 minutes randomly while driving, I finally got to bed after 40 hours of almost no sleep, it was great..

All kidding aside I Got a few decent shots, I only took 120 images, compared to some trips where I have easily taken 1,000 or more. I had one deer in particular that modeled for me for a while until another car drove by. We also saw several Bears but never had a chance to photograph any of them for various reasons (please buy me a 500mm f/4), the biggest reason being that people do not use the pull offs/parking sides that are EVERY WHERE in Cades Cove, and by the time you get to where the action is either a Park Ranger is making everyone leave, or the bear has gone.

Im only rambling now.


Anonymous said...

Love the lighting in this one as well.

Jacki Earp

Joshua said...

pretty picture. Great capture.